Why Windows 11 is so Bad

Carl Marino
Published in
2 min readDec 9, 2021


Photo by Sunder Muthukumaran on Unsplash

Windows 11 had a rough launch and still has many bugs and issues. Bugs are something that is expected in games, apps, and websites but not an operating system and for a big company like Microsoft to mess up like that makes one think How can that happen?

The horrible launch of Windows 11 caused many people to stay on Windows 10 or consider Linux. Windows 11's biggest problems at launch were AMD Ryzen CPUs being slower than Intel’s and many apps not working due to one of Microsoft's certificates running out. These problems were fixed after a couple of updates but in my opinion so obvious bugs shouldn’t happen to a company like Microsoft.

These bugs can be attributed to many things like the pressure to release the OS at a certain date or developers just not having a lot of time but the underlying problem is way bigger.

The reason why the windows versions have been getting more and more bugs every release is the NT kernel. The kernel is the core of an operating system and Microsoft’s NT kernel was first released in 1993 almost 30 years ago. Since then Microsoft has been piling on new stuff each version and a lot of the old code is just sitting there doing nothing. Old code just lying there not being utilized or barely being utilized is not only the reason why windows minimum install size is over 30GB but also the reason for a lot of bugs.

Hering this some people might ask If Windows has these problems why doesn’t Linux. The answer to that question is quite simple. Linux is an open-source software which means anyone can contribute code to the project, and millions already have. The nature of open-source makes it very chaotic and therefore there are contributing guidelines and every contribution has to get approved. This makes the project naturally more organized and ensures that unused code gets replaced or removed.

To conclude Windows 11 having lots of bugs doesn't mean the developers aren't hard-working or weren’t given enough time it was because the Organization of the whole codebase is flawed and therefore Windows is bloated. Will Microsoft make a new kernel? Who knows. I hope Linux takes over and If you liked this article give it a like and if you want more of this content give me a follow.



Carl Marino

My name is Carl Marino and I’m a software developer from Germany. Buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ccm7676